Haakonsen Marine AS – New floating offshore wind contract

23 September, 2022

The wind power company SeaTwirl has signed a letter of intent with Westcon Yards for the manufacturing and installation of the 1 MW S2x on site in Norway.

In cooperation with Westcon Yard, Haakonsen Marine AS is planned to conduct the marine operations. The letter of intent includes taking full responsibility for the installation of the S2x. The Spar will be towed to the installation site where upending and ballasting will be performed. Then the Spar will be secured prior to start of heavy lift operation of generator housing and the wind turbine. Thereafter, the complete S2x will be towed to Bokn where it will be installed in pre-arranged mooring. When the S2x is safely connected to the mooring line the power cable to shore will be installed for final commissioning.

Haakonsen Marine is an established supplier of marine operations with more than 25 years of history in the marine and offshore industry.

This letter of intent between Westcon Yard and SeaTwirl marks an important step for Haakonsen Marine’s strategy going forward as we aim at being a complete supplier for marine project within the offshore wind segment.

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