Busy start in 2023 for Haakonsen Marine AS

9 May, 2023

So far in 2023, we have delivered 17 OVID inspections (vessels & rigs), 5 eCMID inspections (diving, coil laying, pipe laying, cable laying, AHTS and supply vessels), 5 MWS Operations (substructure, wind turbine & towing), 3 ROV Audits, 3 On-hire/Off-hire surveys (offshore barges & AHTS), 5 suitability and DP Assessment / Trails and 3 engineering projects with 3rd party class approvals.

In addition, we have supplied RDS Supervisors and personnel, winch supervisors and personnel and ID. Rep operators.

Everything carried out without damage to personnel, equipment, vessels or the environment.

We are grateful for our customers’ and suppliers’ trust in our solutions, where trust, execution, quality and costs are central.

With a well-executed first part of the year, we and our employees look forward to further constructive and successful cooperation with existing and new customers and suppliers throughout 2023.

Many thanks to each and every one of you.

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